
Dr. Hesam Shahriari

  • Finance and Business Economics
  • Alumni
Class of 2016
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information


Hesam joined the PhD program at the DeGroote School of Business in September 2008. His primary research interests include international capital markets, corporate governance, capital structure, and industrial organization. His PhD thesis focuses on how the interaction between relationship-specificity and contract enforceability affects financial performance and policy.

Supervisor: Trevor Chamberlain

  • M.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • B.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology

Sessional Lecturer for Applied Corporate Finance, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, (Winter 2014)

Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant and Tutorial Instructor, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University (2008-2014)

President, DeGroote Doctoral Student Association (2010-2011)

Business Analysis Manager, Project ManagerĀ and Senior Analyst, several companies in the IT and real estate sectors in Iran (2003-2008)

Ater graduating with an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Hesam became involved in management and IT consultancy projects. He co-translated four books in the management field and prepared nine papers for local journals and conferences in Iran. He also prepared a short paper and presentation on the BPR practice which has been presented in “International Workshop: Organisational e-Readiness and the Construction Industry” (28-29 June 2007, Think Lab, University of Salford, UK).

Working Papers

Relationship-Specific Investment, Contract Enforcement, and Financial Performance (Job Market Paper).

Relationship-Specificity, Contractual Environment and the Stakeholder Theory of Capital Structure.

Market Reaction to Corporate Scandals Around the World: Does Legal Origin Matter?


Chamberlain, T. W., & Shahriari, H. (2012). Shareholder Taxation and Valuation: The Case of Canadian REITs. International Advances in Economic Research, 18(1), 120-121.

Chamberlain, T. W., & Shahriari, H. (2012). Asset Prices and Taxes: An Empirical Study. BRC Academy Journal of Business, 2(1), 1-25.

Conference Presentations

Chamberlain, T. W., & Shahriari, H. (2011, April). Asset Prices and Taxes: An Empirical Study. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Research Consortium of Western New York. Brockport, NY, USA.

Khosrowshahi, F., & Shahriari, H. (2007, June). Business Process Redesign: The Case of Housing Investment Company in Iran. Workshop presented at International Workshop: Organisational e-Readiness and the Construction Industry, University of Salford, Salford, UK.