
Dr. Kenneth Owen

  • Information Systems
  • Alumni
Class of June 2016
  • Tags:
  • phd

Contact Information

Email: owenkd@mcmaster.ca

Kenneth joined the PhD program in September 2010. His research interests are focused around the interface between humans and their data, and the interfaces they use to turn that data into a valuable asset in a business.

Thesis Title: Motivation and Demotivation of Hacker Activities – A Contextual Approach
Supervisor: Milena Head

  • M.M.G.T., Management, Lakehead University, 2004
  • B.A., Geography, Lakehead University, 1994

Kenneth has spent over 20 years as an e-commerce consultant. Kenneth owned and operated the first internet service provider in Northwestern Ontario. Most recently, Kenneth has enjoyed teaching Information Systems related courses at Lakehead University.

Owen, Kenneth, & Willis, Robert (2008). In Dumova, T., Fiordo, R., & IGI Global. Handbook of research on social interaction technologies and collaboration software. Hershey, Pa.: IGI Global 701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA.