Explore an Experiential Intersession Learning Course

| April 22, 2021
Submitted by John Maclachlan

Intersession Learning is pleased to offered exciting and experiential courses for students from all Faculties and Levels. McMaster Intersession Learning aims to provide the following for students:

  • Provide students with curriculum flexibility to better manage their own time by providing exciting learning opportunities outside the Fall & Winter terms.
  • Students will be exposed to engaging instructors who teach in novel and innovative ways. These will be faculty, post-doctoral fellows, senior PhD students, alumni and community members.
  • Create an interdisciplinary opportunity to work in small groups with peers from across campus to create a great learning experience.
  • Intersession timing will allow instructors and students to access outdoor learning in the City of Hamilton and the surrounding areas, including urban and natural spaces.

Inspire 1A03

Have you ever hoped to take a course that would give you a chance to explore a range of topics? Have you wanted to take a class that gives you a chance to think about the interconnectedness of academic questions and topics? Have you wanted to take a 3-unit spring course that has no final exam or pre-requisites that will be completed by the end of May?

The second offering of INSPIRE 1A03 takes place this Intersession Term (May 3 – 28) where students will choose three of nine modules to build a course that interests them. During these modules, you will participate in discussions and hear of the latest advances in areas that you may be interested in but have never have the time or avenue to explore. Each module gives students an opportunity to explore a range of interesting topics including ‘Indigenous-led Social Activism in the Dish With One Spoon Treaty Territory’;’ Reclaiming the Doodle – Visual Communicat ion for Impact’; and ‘Radiation: All Around Us and How We Use It.’ The interdisciplinary topics for the core class will vary from year to year and detailed schedule can be found on the McMaster Intersession website. Email intersession@mcmaster.ca if you have any questions.

Inspire Courses (3AS3 & 3EL3)

During the Intersession Term, various exciting and experiential courses are offered for students from all Faculties and Levels. These courses will be 1-unit, 2-unit or 3-unit courses that allows students to explore interdisciplinary topics that range from the health sciences, to Hamilton’s Natural environment and more!

  • INSPIRE 3AS3/ LINGUIST 3AS3 – Language and Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C01 – Perspectives in Science: Behind the Scenes
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C02 – Releasing Your Creative Voice
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C03 – Building a Better Canada
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C04 – Caribbean Diaspora
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C05 – Language and Aging
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C06 – Live Coding and Network Music
  • INSPIRE 3EL3 C07 – Going Pro: A Competency-based Approach to Professional Identity Formation

Visit the INSPIRE 3EL3 Website for course descriptions, outlines and more information.

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