Retirement Announcement: Brenda Scott, Wellness Counsellor

| December 15, 2020
Submitted by MBA Student Experience
This message does not apply to part-time students.

Dear students,

I have been providing wellness counselling supporting DeGroote’s MBA students for the past two years, and have appreciated the opportunity to support your wellness during your MBA journey. I am announcing my retirement effective at the end of December, so I can wind down my career and focus on planning the next chapter of my life. Hopefully, in the not-so-distant future, and when it is safe to do so, my husband and I can start planning some exciting adventures. The first step will be to sell our home in Burlington and relocate to a smaller community hopefully on a  property where we can enjoy a tranquil lakeview surrounded by nature.

I have very much enjoyed my role as your wellness counsellor and will miss my connections with students and faculty.  I have been planning my transition with Deena Dulabh and feel confident leaving you in her capable hands as DeGroote’s Wellness Counsellor. Deena and I have a long history working together as professionals, in mental health and wellbeing, and know you will benefit from reaching out to her when you need support. You can reach Deena confidentially by emailing either or . Thank you to DeGroote’s Student Experience Team for all your support with special recognition to Lisa Barty who introduced me to DeGroote.

DeGroote is highly recognized for offering an innovative and relevant MBA program. Student willingness to take on new challenges and resiliency in the face of change are remarkable qualities that will serve you well as you continue to build your careers. You should all take pride in the work you are doing. I will leave you with a little of my wellness wisdom hoping it will serve as a reminder to build in daily routines and strategies we have reviewed together to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing: Don’t skip out on switching your attention to your life outside of school and work for time to refresh and recharge.

I wish you all the best in your personal and professional lives.

Be well! All the best from Brenda Scott

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